Best Rock Shop - Idaho Rocks & Gems... A great rock, crystal, and gem shop located in Boise, Idaho...


Idaho Rocks & Gems has moved into a larger building. Our new address is 608 North Orchard Street in Boise which is only a few blocks down the road from the old shop.  The new building is 3 times the size compared to the old building. We have more cab machines for the Club, more room for classes. and more inventory to choose from while shopping.

Here are a couple of pictures…   Easy to find us with the yellow storefront! 

This is the home page for Idaho Rocks & Gems LLC. We are based out of Boise at 608 North Orchard Street Boise Idaho and are open 10am-6pm weekdays and 11am-6pm weekends.

  • We sell rock hounding tools, lapidary equipment and rocks and gems from all localities.
  • We have classes for Wire wrapping, Flint Knapping, Lapidary & Silver Smithing at the rock shop.
  • All classes are scheduled and posted under the events tab at the top of our Facebook page with the exception of cabochon classes. We teach cabochon classes every day and accept walk in participants.
  • We give away thunder eggs to every customer and every kid gets one as an award for not being an adult every time they come into the shop. We cut them for you too before you leave.
  • We don’t do meetings we just promote rockhounding. We are the homebase for rockhounding in Idaho.
  • We have a Facebook page to share and discuss stones, rockhounding and where and how to find areas to go hounding.

Join our Rockhounding Club:

From Craig Branham the owner…
“I am a resource for how and where to hound. You don’t have to just participate with our club. I encourage y’all to do this with your family & friends on your own time. If you join the club you can hit me up any time for spots and find out how & where to get material.  Some spots I won’t divulge information on per the request of other hounds that gave me the info.” 
As a Club Member, you also get access to our cabochon machines, trim saws, anytime access to our claims, and location pages to our favorite rockhounding sites with gps coordinates and driving directions. 
The amount you pay for a membership is cheap for all the benefits you get for a year. Consider joining our Club.

Rockhounding Trips

We also have numerous rockhounding trips during the year, weather permitting, and the public is invited!!  Rockhounding trips are ALWAYS free to all participants.  Trips are subject to location moves or cancellations as conditions dictate.  See next trips and signup for one if interested.


Beginning wire wrapping classes have resumed at the shop!

Saturday March 22 at 10am
Monday March 31 at 5pm
Friday April 11 at 5:15pm
Saturday April 19 at 10am

You will want to register online  to pre pay the $45 to secure your seat or stop by the shop @608 North Orchard Street in Boise. Admission includes the wire and tools for use. You will need to bring a cabochon or plan on shopping for one. We also teach how to make cabochons daily at the shop.

All classes are listed for review and signup on our Classes page.